Payment Processing with business success in mind. MonerePay merchant accounts give you a lot more than just the ability to accept credit cards. With us, you get a merchant services wizard dedicated to the success of your business. We'll provide you with the power to accept payments anywhere, anytime. Then, we take it a step further with actionable and intelligent reporting that helps you make better business decisions .
No matter how you accept payments, MonerePay provides you with innovative features. So, whether you are a needle in a haystack or a needle mover, your business will appreciate:
Real people, right here in the U.S.!
Your merchant account will have a dedicated service advisor. Regardless of your business size, you will have the direct contact information to a real person that is dedicated to your account. Imagine being able to pick up the phone, anytime, and being greeted by name? Not just given an 800 number…. Wouldn’t that be nice? It's real with MonerePay.
Powerful Simplicity.
MonerePay has the power to handle any size business. Streamlined interfaces make customizing, reporting, and transacting simple. Access to data presented in an actionable way makes decisions better and more effective. We make the process of switching your payment processing solution seamless and easy.
Fixed Interchange Plus Pricing.
Our direct partner connections with some of the most stable financial institutions allow us to bring you fair and transparent pricing. You won't find a bunch of hidden fees or find yourself trapped in long contracts. Just affordable, transparent pricing with fair terms.
Transaction Optimization.
Our advisors and techno wizards will optimize every transaction to qualify for the best possible interchange rate. this can save an average of 25 basis points (0.25%) versus the competition.
Business Intelligence Reporting
That’s right, we don’t stop at payment processing. The MonerePay gateway is able to capture more than just payments. Imagine having reporting that depicts the trends of your customers. Or, how they behave before and after they visit you. Would heat mapped demographics help you? Would that make your marketing more effective? Of course it would! MonerePay is here to encourage your success and growth.